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Moderators Needed [Read full]

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Moderators Needed: Read this!!

Moderators Needed [Read full]

Postby Admin » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:11 pm


We're now being an upcoming community with some quality posters & few board members. But we're in need of few moderating members to our community to keep the place clean. Please fill up below details by copying & Reply to this topic by pasting it.

  1. How good are you in forums? Average / Excellent / Beginner
  2. Do you have experience in moderating forums? Yes / No (If yes, how long.)
  3. How long do you stay/visit online? specify the hours per day
  4. Are you a moderator on any other forums? Yes / No (If yes, please let us know the forum name.)
  5. Have you been a moderator in any other forums? Yes / No (If yes, please let us know the forum name.)
You can also contact Admin or Robot for any further clarifications.

Please apply only if you're interested & willing to volunteer to this community. If not simply you can ignore this topic.

Thank you,
Admin ~ Amadershare
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